Online learning for pre-schoolers – 8 ways to enhance virtual learning

- by Beena Singh
One of the most significant challenges that parents face amidst other demanding situations is the effectiveness of the online classes for pre-schoolers during the lockdown. With limited social gatherings and excessive exposure to digital gadgets, online learning for toddlers is especially demanding. With pre-schoolers on board, virtual learning invites many hassles in the parents’ lives.
Nevertheless, parents, we have listed down eight efficient ways in which you can make online learning for your pre-schoolers productive and fun.
Compose a structured day-wise schedule
Even though online classes for pre-schoolers during the lockdown looks challenging, creating a schedule for your toddler can be an effective solution. Carving out a schedule will not only help you plan online learning for pre-schoolers effectively but also give them the opportunity to utilise the remaining time in other activities, as you may plan for them. This will further imbibe a sense of discipline in them from an early age.
Create a healthy study space
Online preschool setup is completely different from the regular brick-and-mortar learning setup at schools or daycare. Accordingly, it becomes inevitable for parents to establish a healthy study space for virtual learning. A healthy study space does not necessarily relate to a fancy or expensive setup but reiterates the inclusion of important study materials along with a proper study table and chair that mentally prepares and facilitates online learning for toddlers.

Tip: Ask your children the most common things they require during their online classes. Keep those things handy while you can eliminate materials that are not required.
Lesser distractions
While you create a healthy study space for your toddlers, ensure that you keep minimal to no distractions surrounding your children. Surely, virtual learning for pre-schoolers is challenging due to their curiosity but if you eliminate distractions, online learning for toddlers progresses to being smoother. For instance, you may want to switch off the television running in the background or decline a video call while your toddlers are attending virtual classes.
Tip: Set a downtime on other applications if they are attending online classes on your mobile phone.

Develop healthy communication
Virtual learning is as new to toddlers or preschoolers as to their parents. Therefore, communicating clearly with them becomes a mandate. Furthermore, pay close attention to not only the verbal communication but also the non-verbal communication, such as their body language, facial expressions and similar to gauge their likes and disapproval.
Tip: Always set some time, preferably every day, to ask your children about their experiences of studying online, what are their dislikes and what they are enjoying the most in their learning process.
Involve your toddlers in physical activities
Regular physical activities play a crucial role in the growth of your toddler. However, online classes for pre-schoolers during the lockdown have glued them to electronic gadgets and restricted their physical movements. Motivating your pre-schoolers to engage in physical activities will not only help their bodies nourish but also keep their curious minds sharp. Look out for physical activities that can be easily conducted at home and do not require children to venture out.
Although the online preschool session has limited the toddlers to virtual learning and virtual friends, it is a great way for them to socialize, at least virtually. In this way, they learn to develop empathy, communication skills, cooperation and harmony.
Tip: Arrange virtual meet-ups and games for your toddlers along with their friends frequently. Once the situation returns to normalcy, you can take your children out for a physical play-date with their friends.
Review the learning process
Little progress every day counts as a big win! Take some time out to monitor and review how your toddlers are performing. This will help you identify his or her strengths and accomplishments and allow you to track the areas that require more effort.

Cheer them on every achievement
Virtual learning for pre-schoolers is nothing less than a task for them – adapting the new normal way of learning, meeting friends virtually and much more. It, therefore, becomes essential to cheer them up on every small to big achievement, for instance, making new friends, working in a group project virtually, answering questions asked in the virtual class and similar. Every cheer will act as a motivation to their next great performance so do not forget to be their biggest supporter.
These are a couple of ways in which you can make virtual learning effective, simple and productive. It is rightly said that the journey of online preschooling is different for every parent and their toddlers as well and as a consequence, it is crucial to choose the right preschool for your kids.
Aptech International Preschool is considered to be one of the best preschools in India providing quality education for children during their early learning days. Let your children explore learning with Aptech International Preschool and reward them with a great learning journey!