
Your child won’t (or can’t) drink milk! Alternative sources of nutrients?

Nutrition tips for children

A dread fills your child at breakfast when that humungous glass of milk had to be faced and conquered. And coaxing, cajoling, threatening and sometimes even bribing goes into getting your child to drink milk. Sounds familiar? Whether your child hates milk or is lactose intolerant, how do you make sure that you provide them all the nutrients milk contains?. . .

How To potty train your toddler?


The simple things you do every day as adults, such as eating, or walking, or visiting the washroom are huge steps for toddlers and the mastery of each of these markers of daily routine is an accomplishment, both physical and psychological. Potty training seems to be the most demanding of these skills for parents as well as children. So, here’s. . .

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