
How to Celebrate a Fun-Filled & Safe Diwali in 2020?

Diwali is almost here. But the global pandemic has had its effect on the vibe and energy of the festival too. But not to worry. You can still have a lot of fun at home with your little ones by following a few guidelines. While you stay indoors, here are some fun activities that you can enjoy with your children.. . .

How to cultivate reading habit in your children?


One of the best things you can do for your child is to cultivate the habit of reading. But it seems to be easier said than done in today’s world. But it is not impossible. So here is a low down of how this important habit can be cultivated in our tiny tots. Keep the devices away One of the. . .

How do we ensure cyber safety for our children?

Cyber safety for kids

Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops… and the list of gadgets that give us access to the Internet keeps on increasing. While it means convenience for us, it also means exposing ourselves to the dangers of the cyber world. As adults we try to keep ourselves abreast of ways to protect ourselves, but what about children? They fall under the high-risk. . .

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